- Note:
- In the past, we have ranked the top 30 printers from the PI top 400 list that use paper substrates. In 2019, we are focusing on the top 20 PI printers with paper substrates, as well as printers our brand partners have asked us to include in the ranking. The following printers ranked 21-30 in the 2018 PI Top 400 list have not been formally ranked and consulted in the 2019 Blueline, due to smaller market share and lack of substantive demonstrable action on sustainability over the years. Based on transparent website content, these printers would have earned red ink drops, with 0-6 points, if formally ranked in 2019: Command Companies (not including Unimac), 4over Inc., Vomela Specialty, Orora Visual, DATA Communications Management, Walsworth and Mittera Group.
- Type*
- Indicates main printing services offered as per PI TOP 400. BF - Business Forms, BOOK - Books, CAT - Catalogue, COM - Commercial, DM - Direct Mail, FIN - Financial, NEWS - Newspaper, PKG - Packaging, PUB - Publication, SPEC - Specialty
- [1]
- The company has a paper 'platform' or a specific policy which usually includes goals to protect Ancient and Endangered forest ecosystems, increase the use of recycled content etc., published on website.
- NP**
- Company has a policy that is not posted publicly
- [2]
- This means having a policy that includes language to protect Ancient & Endangered forests and species at source, not generic language about using fiber from legal and certified sources
- [6]
- In a circular economy there is no product called “waste”; there is only materials flow. Circular Economy encompasses internal and external systems such that a by-product of a process is another company’s or processes feedstock. A point is given to printers that include web content about leadership in the circular economy, above and beyond recycling initiatives.
- [9]
- Company web pages dedicated to sustainability actions and initiatives, above and beyond certification logos
- [10]
- Includes Green E certification and participation, EPA Green Power Partnership, Bullfrog Power
- [11]
- Includes Carbon Disclosure Project Reporting, Carbon Reduction Programs Like Hemlock's Zero Program
- [13]
- Includes EPA Smartway Partners as of May 2019, SGP, and Community Environmental Actions such as Bees on the roof at The Printing House